On Saturday 10 March, 2012 busloads of Worcester Secondary School learners arrived to support and compete against Gansbaai Academia’s Sharky teams in rugby, netball, soccer and chess. The principal Mr Wilson, who hails from Worcester and was acting principal of WSS before coming to Gansbaai, welcomed them in the school hall and emphasised that he is now a true Sharky. Then the action moved to the sportsgrounds and the competition started in all earnest. Continue reading
The first issue of the as yet unnamed school newspaper was published on 7 March,2011. It was a roaring success with over 250 copies sold to the learners.
Die hoenderbraai wat die SBL en die OOV op 24 Februarie gehou het, was ‘n sukses en heelwat fondse is ingesamel vir die skoolfonds. Dit lyk of almal wat hoender gekoop het baie tevrede was met beide die prys asook die kwaliteit van die produk. Continue reading
Academia turned 2 years old on the 22nd February, 2012. Everybody played their part in ensuring that it was a festive occassion. Continue reading
History was made on the 21st February 2011 when the under 19 cricket team played their first match ever against Swartberg Secondary School in Caledon. Continue reading
Gansbaai Academia se matrikulante is vereer met die besoek van die legendariese digteraktivis, Diana Ferrus, op 8 Februarie 2012 in die skoolsaal. Daar is baie meer inligting beskikbaar op die blog van Diana Ferrus. Continue reading
Op 24 Februarie hou die Skoolbeheerliggaam en die Ouer-onderwyser vereniging ‘n hoenderbraai om hoogs benodigde fondse vir die skool in te samel. Continue reading
Two executive members of Rachel’s Angels visited Gansbaai Academia on the 30th January, 2012 to officially launch the Rachel’s Angels’ mentorship programme in the school. Mr Spurgeon-Haddon Wilson, project manager, and Ms Anthea Jacobs, project co-ordinator had a meeting with the principal, Mr Tommy Wilson and his staff. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss finer details of the programme and to identify pupils from the Grade 11 class who will be mentored during 2012 and 2013. Continue reading