The principal’s end of term newsletter was circulated to all learners on the 23rd March,2012. Hierdie brief van die prinsipaal was op die 23ste Maart 2012 aan alle leerlinge versprei.
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Dear Parents/ Guardians
Today you will receive your child’s results for the First Term. It is of paramount importance that you scrutinise your child’s results and discuss it with him/ her. The results are thus a barometer of the learners’ attitude towards their studies.
Almost all of our learners have purchased the summer school uniform and that is an indication of the discipline of the school. However, a request goes to all the learners and their parents who did not yet purchase the uniform to please do so very soon. The winter uniform can be ordered at the office from Mrs. Annamarie Buys.
Some of our learners achieved great results in sport. Firstly, Bea Fourie received the fourth place in discus at a Boland athletic meeting. Adriaan Wildschut, Malcolm Booyse and Stanley Munro will represent South Boland in the final chess trials soon. We want to wish them all of the best. The winter sport already started with rugby, netball, and chess matches against Worcester Secondary School where the rugby and soccer won their matches and the chess and netball lost to their opponents. This year the school boast with a full u/19 rugby, soccer and netball team and therefore we want to wish them good luck. We are quite excited about the prospects for the next term where sport is of concern.
There are still parents who failed to support the education of their children. They have not yet sponsored anything, which is an indication that they are not interested in their children’s education. Statements are sent to parents on a regular basis, but to no avail, they just don’t care to respond at all. A big thank you goes to all those Sharky parents who have responded and supported the school. I emphasize again the fact that Gansbaai Academia as an educational institution MUST succeed and it is the plight of the community to help the school achieve that. We would like to use this opportunity to thank the following people and institutes for their support.
- The Municipality for their support
- Me. Santie Reynecke for the donation of the organ
- OK and SPAR for their continued support
- Gansbaai Marine for their monetary donation
- Taurus chemicals for their support and donation of a data projector
- Great White Sharks Tours for their monetary support for our netball
- Reggie and Bronwyn Moses for their donation of T-Shirts and support for our sport
- Christo Spies of Boland for his support
- People who constantly donate books and educational material
Our intention is to erect a “FRIENDS OF GANSBAAI ACADEMIA” board really soon where the names of our sponsors will be placed.
We want to send out a plea to more institutions to come on board since we are in dire need of transport to take our learners to universities and other curriculum institutions. Our surfwalk was a success again this year, despite many learners who did not try their best to collect money for their school. To those who played their part, especially Monique Appel and Monique Grebe, we say thank you Sharky’s.
It was unfortunate that we could not reach a quorum with the first governing body election. This was an eye-opener. Thank you to the parents who came to the meeting. The next election is scheduled for 12 April 2012 and although a quorum is not necessary at this election, we want to send a request to parents to attend the meeting in order for parents to be chosen as members of the Gansbaai Academia Governing Body. Information about this will be forwarded soon.
Tommy D.Wilson
Geagte Ouers
Vandag ontvang u u kind se uitslae van die Eerste kwartaal. Dit is van kardinale belang dat u hierdie uitslae deeglik met u kind bestudeer. Die uitslae is dan ook ‘n barometer van leerders se ingesteldheid.
Byna al die leerders het reeds ‘n somer skooluniform aangeskaf en dit dra by tot die gesonde dissipline van die skool. Waar leerders nog nie uniform aangeskaf het nie, word ouers ernstig gevra om dit aan te skaf. Die winter uniform kan ook reeds by die sekretresse, Me Annamarie Buys, bestel word .
Verskeie leerders het goeie prestasies in sport behaal. Bea Fourie was die vierdie beste in diskus in die Boland. Andre Wildschut , Malcolm Booyse en Stanley Munro sal die Suid Boland in die finale skaak proewe van die Boland verteenwoordig en ons wens hulle sterkte toe. Die wintersportspanne het alreeds hulle tande gewys teen Worcester Sekondere Skool. Die rugby en sokker het almal geseëvier terwyl die netbal en skaak naelskraaps verloor het. Hierdie jaar het ons vir die eerste keer ‘n volwaardige o/19 rugby, sokker en netbalspan en ons wens hulle sterkte toe. Ons sien met opgewondenheid uit na die winterseisoen.
Daar is nog steeds ouers wat jammerlik nog nie ‘n sent bygedra het tot die opvoeding van hulle kinders nie. Ons probeer ons kinders nie bakhand groot maak nie, en ouers speel juis hier ‘n groot rol om hulle finansiele bydrae te lewer. Rekeninge word gereeld aan ouers deurgegee en baie steur hulle net nie daaraan nie. Dankie aan daardie Sharky ouers wat gereeld hulle bydrae lewer al druk die ekonomie. Ek sê weer dat Gansbaai Academia as opvoedkundige instelling MOET slaag en die gemeenskap moet verantwoordelikheid neem om die skool daartoe te help. Ons wil op hierdie stadium die volgende instansies en persone bedank vir hulle ondersteuning. Met jul volgehoue bydraes maak jul dit vir ons makliker.
- Die Munisipaliteit vir hulle ondersteuning
- Me Santie Reynecke vir die skenking van ‘n orrel
- OK en Spar vir hulle gereelde bydrae
- Gansbaai Marine vir hulle finasiele bydrae
- Taurus chemicals vir hulle ondersteuning en skenking van ‘n data projektor
- Great White Sharks Tours vir hulle finansiële bydrae tot ons netbal
- Reggie en Bronwyn Moses vir hulle borgskap van T-Hempies en bydrae tot ons sport
- Christo Spies van Boland Ontwikkelaars vir sy ondersteuning
- Persone wat gereeld boeke en ander opvoedkundige materiaal skenk
Eersdaags sal ons ‘n Vriende van Gansbaai Academia –bord in die skool oprig en van julle name sal daarop verskyn
Ons wil ‘n pleidooi lewer dat meer instansies hulle gewig by die skool sal ingooi. Ons benodig vervoer om die leerders na universiteite en ander kurrikulum en beroepsgerigte instansies buite Gansbaai te neem.
Ons surfwalk was hierdie jaar weer ‘n sukses. Dit is egter weer kommerwekkend om te sien hoe baie van die leerders nie hulle bydrae gelewer het nie. Weereens sien ouers nie toe dat hulle kinders hulle bydraes lewer nie. Leerders wat baie moeite gedoen het met die insameling van geld vir die Surfwalk is: Monique Appel, Monigue Grebe
Dit was met groot teleurstelling dat daar nie ‘n kworum bereik kon word by die eerste beheerliggaam verkiesing nie. Dit sê baie van die ingesteldheid van ouers en ons kan duidelik sien hoe dit deursyfer na kinders toe. Dankie aan daardie ouers wat wel opgedaag het. Die volgende verkiesing is op 12 April 2012. Alhoewel geen kworum by hierdie verkiesing nodig is nie, word ouers steeds gevra om dit by te woon, sodat die geskikte ouers vir die Beheerliggaam verkies kan word. ‘n Pamflet rondom die belangrikheid van die Beheerliggaam vergesel hierdie brief.
Tommy D Wilson